French tuition

These tuition lessons are designed for school pupils learning French as a second foreign language, who have difficulty with the content in school or have trouble understanding. We learn the alphabet and repeat a correct pronunciation that allows us to look up words in the dictionary to understand them. The complete grammar and tenses are explained so that an improvement is guaranteed and regular dates can be arranged if you register your child. The course fees will then be transferred from you or be booked from your bank account. Whatever you prefer.

Dates and facts:

 Wahlenau / Horbruch
Team leader: Dagmar Krönig-Lämmel
Interval: weekly
Weekday: Wednesday
Time: 17:00 - 18:00
Time period: Not set
Dates: See calendar
Requirement: From school year 7
Number of participants: 1
Total duration: 60 / 90 Minutes
(per registration):
5th-10th school year  €42 per lesson
11th-12th school year €47 per lesson 
13th school year and advanced/intensive course €52 when idicated additionally 19 % VAT per lesson